Monday, March 26, 2007

Going Solo?: Develop Routines.

Developing routine ways of doing things is critical to the success of your practice, or any business for that matter. From how your staff answers phones to the order in which you take your medical history, and everything else; it should be rote. A routine. This does not imply that you are Rain Man, but simply that you have automated and are efficient. Here are some reasons why routines are important.

  • Efficiency: When you have a well formed routine, things seem to slide into place. Patients are put in the correct rooms in the correct order, automatically. Forms are filled out easily. Everything works like a well oiled machine. You will be able to communicate with your staff without the need for words.
  • Predictability: Having a routine way of doing business and not veering from it allows your patients and staff to experience what every baby craves, predictability. Everybody likes predicability, even thrill seekers. It is why we go to McDonalds or The Ritz Carlton or our favorite hair salon: to have a prectictable experience and outcome each time.
  • Outcomes: When you follow a routine and seldom veer from it, your outcomes will improve. You'll make less mistakes. Patients who require antibiotics before the cysto, will receive them. Patients who ought to have cytologies, will get them. Specimens will not get mixed up.
  • Growth: Having routines will allow you to grow your practice in a more effortless manner, with less "thrown out" money, and less overhead because your routines will enable you and your staff to work smarter.


The IU.