Wednesday, August 05, 2015

Stop complaining to me about your copays and deductibles!

 Patient: "Are they [the radiologist] going to charge me for the x-ray?"

Me: "Probably.  Why would they not?"

Patient: "It is ridiculous.  I pay thousands of dollars a year in premiums and I get sick once and I'm going bankrupt.  It is bullshit."

Me: "I agree.  These high deductible plans are terrible."

Patient:  "It is because we are paying for all these smokers and sick people."

Me: "No, it is because we are paying for the high level executives to fly personal jet between their mansions and yachts."

"Patient: "Huh?"

Me: "Don't worry about it.  You can take comfort in the fact that your hard earned dollar, when spent on your health care, is funding an executives super-high end lifestyle.  You should feel good about that."  [sarcasm seething from my lips]

No folks, the doctors are not the problem.  Nor are the immigrants.  Nor are the sick people.  Nor are the poor people.  The problem is that we all pay, via super high premiums, for a very few, well connected people, to live unbelievable lifestyles and to make so much money that they can, in turn, purchase are politicians.

Answer: Medicare for all.  Demand it.  Now. From your government.  And stop complaining to me.

Join the movement:  PNHP