Saturday, April 07, 2012

How to Attest For Meaningful Use

I just attested, successfully, for 2012 EHR meaningful use.  I can tell you that this has been no small feat.  I started the process in January 2011 and was it took me almost 20 months to get it right.  And I am a savvy EHR user.  Attesting for MU dollars is a process.  First you must register, then you must report for a 90 day period, then you attest.  Oh yeh I forgot, first you use select a qualified EHR & learn how to use it in a meaningful way.

CMS, the Center for Medicare Services, has lots of documentation on there website regarding MU, attestation, EHR selection, etc.  Click here, to be taken to the site.  I know you will find tons of information on the site, just not a bit of it helpful.  I don't know who developed the content for the site, but either they were oblivious to the needs of the people who use it or intentionally made the site confusing to make especially difficult to start and complete the MU process.

The real link, the one you need to get the $$$ is here:
I just don't think CMS wants you to know it.

Here is how to do it, step by step:

  • Register for MU at the link above
    • you must have a NPPES password to do this.  If you do not, you must get one.  If you cannot, you are SOL.
  • Answer the questions asked
  • Find your EHR number (ask vendor or search on the EHR incentive site.
  • Complete MU reporting process
  • Return to link, complete questions, hit submit.
Sounds easy.  Is not.
Good luck.