Thursday, March 05, 2009


I currently employ 4 people, including myself.  I have 2 MA's and a part time biller.  All 4 of us make more than $600 per month.  My fifth employee is my EMR system.  It cost me $600 per month, +/- a few.

My fifth employee works 24/7 and never takes a sick day or personal day.

My fifth employee never forgets to do what I ask of it.

My fifth employee doe not make mistakes.

My fifth employee is very organized.

My fifth employee can write prescriptions.

My fifth employee can file labs efficiently. . .and retrieve them with equal efficiency.

My fifth employee can submit claims. . .at 2AM if I ask it to.

My fifth employee can generate letters to referring doctors. . .and deliver them. . .24/7.

My fifth employee is a great employee, my electric one.

Even at the hefty price tag I paid for it, my EMR when viewed as a fifth employee is cheap. . .very cheap.

Here's the thing: people expensive/robots cheap.

That is a good way tolook at an EMR investment.